Detailed Business Counts
Business Counts by SIC Codes
Select a Sector for More Detailed Information
Code | Industry Title | Number of US Entities |
01-09 | Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing | 681,833 |
10-14 | Mining | 38,238 |
15-17 | Construction | 1,466,278 |
20-39 | Manufacturing | 697,875 |
40-49 | Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services | 1,011,194 |
50-51 | Wholesale Trade | 706,341 |
52-59 | Retail Trade | 2,672,492 |
60-67 | Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate | 1,683,523 |
70-89 | Services | 8,556,457 |
90-99 | Public Administration | 255,475 |
Total US Business Entities | 17,769,706 |
*Updated 2024-04-30
Includes Three Spreadsheets of US Businesses by Annual Sales, Total Employees and Employees On Site.
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