SIC Codes and Counts by Division

Division: B — Mining

*Click for Detailed Description of This Industry*

Code Industry TitleNumber of
US Entities
10Metal Mining1,318
1011Iron Ores91
1021Copper Ores89
1031Lead and Zinc Ores26
1041Gold Ores383
1044Silver Ores45
1061Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium38
1081Metal Mining Services534
1094Uranium-radium-vanadium Ores52
1099Metal Ores, Nec60
12Coal Mining1,253
1221Bituminous Coal and Lignite-surface Mining551
1222Bituminous Coal-underground Mining113
1231Anthracite Mining46
1241Coal Mining Services543
13Oil and Gas Extraction30,314
1311Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas5,031
1321Natural Gas Liquids426
1381Drilling Oil and Gas Wells2,162
1382Oil and Gas Exploration Services7,147
1389Oil and Gas Field Services, Nec15,548
14Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels5,525
Total US Business Entities71,295

Division: B — Mining

This division includes all establishments primarily engaged in mining. The term mining is used in the broad sense to include the extraction of minerals occurring naturally: solids, such as coal and ores; liquids, such as crude petroleum; and gases such as natural gas. The term mining is also used in the broad sense to include quarrying, well operations, milling (e.g., crushing, screening, washing, flotation), and other preparation customarily done at the mine site, or as a part of mining activity.

Exploration and development of mineral properties are included. Services performed on a contract or fee basis in the development or operation of mineral properties are classified separately but within this division. Establishments which have complete responsibility for operating mines, quarries, or oil and gas wells for others on a contract or fee basis are classified according to the product mined rather than as mineral services.

Mining operations are classified, by industry, on the basis of the principal mineral produced, or, if there is no production, on the basis of the principal mineral for which exploration or development work is in process. The mining of culm banks, ore dumps, and tailing piles is classified as mining according to the principal mineral product derived.

The purification and distribution of water is classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Industry 4941, and the bottling and distribution of natural spring and mineral waters is classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5149.

Crushing, grinding, or otherwise preparing clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals; barite, and miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals, except fuels, not in conjunction with mining or quarrying operations, are classified in Manufacturing, Industry 3295. Dressing of stone or slabs is classified in Manufacturing, Industry 3281, whether or not mining is done at the same establishment.