SIC Industry Description

Industry: 1031—Lead and Zinc Ores
Establishments primarily engaged in mining, milling, or otherwise preparing lead ores, zinc ores, or lead-zinc ores.

Blende (zinc) miningSmithsonite mining
Calamine miningSphalerite mining
Cerrusite miningWillemite mining
Galena miningZinc ore mining
Lead ore miningZinc-blende (sphalerite) mining
Lead-zinc ore miningZincite mining
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
1031Lead and Zinc Ores26
103100Lead and zinc ores12
10310000Lead and zinc ores12
103101Lead ores mining7
10310100Lead ores mining7
10310101Cerussite mining0
10310102Galena mining0
103102Zinc ores mining7
10310200Zinc ores mining5
10310201Calamine mining0
10310202Smithsonite mining0
10310203Willemite mining1
10310204Zinc-blende (sphalerite) mining1