Search 19 Million US Businesses

Identify NAICS and SIC Codes and Descriptions, Annual Sales, Total Employees, Employees on Site, Unique Nine-Digit Site ID, Address and Phone Information, Contact Names, and Line of Business. Search Free! Purchase a Single Record for $9.95.

Company Lookup Tool

Obtain the following Data Elements

• Business Name
• Tradestyle Name
• Physical Address
• Telephone Number

• NAICS Codes & Descriptions
• SIC Codes & Descriptions
• Top Contact Name/Title
• Line of Business

• Sales Volume
• Total Employees
• Employees on Site
• Unique Nine-Digit Site ID


$8.00 per record
  • 10


$6.00 per record
  • 50


$3.00 per record
  • 500 Lookups


$2.00 per record
  • 1000 Lookups