Click on any Six Digit Code to see the Top Business Profiles within that Industry.
Industry Title
Business Count
62Health Care and Social Assistance1,695,931
6211Offices of Physicians417,369
6212Offices of Dentists213,216
6213Offices of Other Health Practitioners294,965
6214Outpatient Care Centers78,173
6215Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories18,043
6216Home Health Care Services59,567
6219Other Ambulatory Health Care Services152,651
6221General Medical and Surgical Hospitals44,060
6222Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals3,584
6223Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals2,490
6231Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities)35,673
6232Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Facilities7,975
6233Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly27,777
6239Other Residential Care Facilities14,839
6241Individual and Family Services193,073
6242Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services6,467
6243Vocational Rehabilitation Services11,551
6244Child Care Services114,458
Two-Digit NAICS Sectors