NAICS Code Description

311611 - Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 311611 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Tyson Fresh Meats IncRosens Diversified Inc
Hormel Foods CorporationSmithfield Packaged Meats Corp
Smithfield Foods IncAmerican Foods Group LLC
Seaboard CorporationIndiana Packers Corporation
National Beef Packing Co LLCAgri Beef Co

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering animals (except poultry and small game). Establishments that slaughter and prepare meats are included in this industry.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Processing meat and meat byproducts (except poultry and small game) from purchased meats--are classified in U.S. Industry 311612, Meat Processed from Carcasses;
  • Slaughtering and/or processing poultry and small game--are classified in U.S. Industry 311615, Poultry Processing;
  • Rendering lard and other animal fats and oils, bones, and meat scraps--are classified in U.S. Industry 311613, Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing; and
  • Manufacturing canned and frozen specialty foods containing meat, such as nationality foods (e.g., enchiladas, egg rolls, pizza) and frozen dinners--are classified in Industry Group 3114, Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 311611
311611311611311611Animal fats (except poultry and small game) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Bacon, slab and sliced, produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Beef carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Beef produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Boxed beef produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Boxed meats produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Canned meats (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Cured hides and skins produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Custom slaughtering
311611311611311611Fats, animal (except poultry, small game), produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Hams (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Hides and skins produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Horsemeat produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Hot dogs (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Inedible products (e.g., hides, skins, pulled wool, wool grease) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Lamb carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Lard produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Luncheon meat (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Meat canning (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Meats fresh, chilled or frozen (except poultry and small game), produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Meats, cured or smoked, produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Pork carcasses, half carcasses, and primal and sub-primal cuts produced in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Sausage casings, natural, produced in slaughtering plant
311611311611311611Slaughtering, custom
311611311611311611Tallow produced in a slaughtering plant
311611311611311611Variety meats, edible organs, made in slaughtering plants
311611311611311611Veal carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants