NAICS Profile Page

Unique Site ID: 04-319-0511 - Archived Record
Company Name:
Jaclyn LLC
Top Contact:
Street Address:
500 7th Ave, New York NY 10018
Phone: Restricted
Total Emps: 160Emps On Site: 75
Sales Volume: $36,858,598
Public/Private: PublicYear Started: 1968
Lat: 40.7532218Long: -73.9892771
NAICS 1: 316998All Other Leather Good and Allied Product Manufacturing
NAICS 2: 316110Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing
SIC 1: 31990100Equestrian related leather articles
SIC 2: 31110401Bag leather
Number of Locations: 16
Date of Report: 2020-01-10