NAICS Code Description

311423 - Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 311423 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Oregon Potato CompanyLion Raisins Inc
Basic American IncKent Precision Foods Group Inc
Sunsweet Growers IncDiana Food Inc
Ocean Spray International IncBran-Zan Holdings LLC
Diversfied Fods Seasonings LLCShoreline Fruit LLC

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) drying (including freeze-dried) and/or dehydrating fruits, vegetables, and soup mixes and bouillon and/or (2) drying and/or dehydrating ingredients and packaging them with other purchased ingredients, such as rice and dry pasta.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Milling rice and packaging it with other ingredients--are classified in U.S. Industry 311212, Rice Milling;
  • Manufacturing dry pasta and packaging it with other ingredients--are classified in U.S. Industry 311824, Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour;
  • Manufacturing vegetable flours and meals--are classified in U.S. Industry 311211, Flour Milling;
  • Mixing purchased dried and/or dehydrated potatoes, rice, and pasta, and packaging them with other purchased ingredients, and mixing purchased dried and/or dehydrated ingredients for soup mixes and bouillon--are classified in U.S. Industry 311999, All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing; and
  • Manufacturing dry salad dressing and dry sauce mixes--are classified in U.S. Industry 311942, Spice and Extract Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 311423
311423311423311423Bouillon made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Dates, dried, made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Dehydrating fruits and vegetables
311423311423311423Dehydrating potato products (e.g., flakes, granules)
311423311423311423Freeze-dried, food processing, fruits and vegetables
311423311423311423Fruit and vegetables, dehydrating, manufacturing
311423311423311423Fruits dehydrating (except sun drying)
311423311423311423Grapes, artificially drying
311423311423311423Noodle mixes made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Olives, dried, made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Potato products (e.g., flakes, granules) dehydrating
311423311423311423Prunes, dried, made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Raisins made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Rice mixes (i.e., uncooked and packaged with other ingredients) made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Salad dressing mixes, dry, made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Sauce mixes, dry, made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Soup mixes made in dehydration plants
311423311423311423Sulphured fruits and vegetables manufacturing
311423311423311423Vegetables dehydrating