NAICS Code Description

11142 - Nursery and Floriculture Production

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 11142 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Costa Farms LLCBailey Nurseries Inc
Color Spot Holdings IncSun Valley Group Inc
Monrovia Nursery CompanyW Atlee Burpee Company
Woerner Holdings LPBurpee Holding Company Inc
Aris Horticulture IncPope Rsources A Del Ltd Partnr

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) growing nursery and floriculture products (e.g., nursery stock, shrubbery, cut flowers, flower seeds, foliage plants) under cover or in open fields and/or (2) growing short rotation woody trees with a growing and harvesting cycle of 10 years or less for pulp or tree stock (e.g., cut Christmas trees, cottonwoods).

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Growing vegetable and melon bedding plants--are classified in Industry 11121, Vegetable and Melon Farming;
  • Operating timber tracts (i.e., growing cycle greater than 10 years)--are classified in Industry 11311, Timber Tract Operations; and
  • Retailing nursery, tree stock, and floriculture products primarily purchased from others--are classified in Industry 44422, Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Stores.

NAICS Codes that fall under 11142 - Nursery and Floriculture Production