Unique Site ID: 00-813-4959 | ||
Company Name: Holt Texas Ltd | Tradestyle: | |
Top Contact: Restricted | Title: Restricted | |
Street Address: 5665 SE Loop 410, San Antonio TX 78222 | ||
Phone: Restricted | ||
URL: www.caterpillar.com | ||
Total Emps: 1,700 | Emps On Site: 450 | |
Sales Volume: $603,900,939 | ||
Public/Private: Public | Year Started: 1961 | |
Lat: 29.370766 | Long: -98.4010332 | |
NAICS 1: 333120 | Construction Machinery Manufacturing | |
NAICS 2: 423810 | Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | |
SIC 1: 35310605 | Dozers, tractor mounted: material moving | |
SIC 2: 50820102 | Road construction and maintenance machinery | |
Number of Locations: 61 | ||
Date of Report: 2022-07-01 |