How Can I Determine the Correct SIC Code for My Business?

Category: Common SIC Questions

SIC Codes are based on Primary Business Activities. It is a much more general and less specific classification system than the newer NAICS Codes, especially at the official, 4-digit level. You should be looking for the code that best describes what your business does.

Using the SIC Code Drilldown List to Identify Your Code:

The SIC Drilldown is broken out by the following categories: Division, Major Industry Group, Industry Group, Industry Title.

Each Code fits into one of 10 SIC Divisions. A Division breaks down into Major Industry Groups, and Industry Groups Break Down into Industry Titles.  3rd Parties such as Dun&Bradstreet have developed the 8 digit SIC system to further delineate related industry titles. As you navigate the SIC Drilldown, simply select the most appropriate title at each level to find your code.

NOTE: It is possible that the agency or firm requesting your SIC Code is interested in the 8 digit code, however most government agencies currently use the NAICS system, and where they do still use SIC Codes, may only be looking for the 4 digit code.

Using your NAICS Code to find your SIC Code:

Visit the SIC to NAICS Crosswalk Page to Find Your SIC Code. You can enter your NAICS code into the NAICS to SIC Crosswalk tool to find the corresponding SIC Codes. Where there are more than one corresponding code, simply pick the one that best describes your business activities. Alternatively, you can download the PDF with the full crosswalk for Free or Purchase the Digital File (Excel Format) at the NAICS Product Store. 

Use the US Company Lookup Tool

This tool allows you to purchase the record for any company listed with Dun & Bradstreet. Records include SIC and NAICS Codes.

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