New US Business Directory Lookup Tool

NAICS Association has now added a new tool to it’s of User-Friendly Data Enhancement toolbox.  Identify Firmagraphic information on any of over 19 Million US Businesses with the push of a button in Real Time.  Our New US Business Directory Lookup Tool is now available for immediate use.

That’s right.  If you need to identify a Company’s NAICS Code, SIC Code, Dun’s Number, Address or Phone Number, etc… we now have a tool to do it quickly and inexpensively.  No more angsting over how to properly classify a business.  You now have the ability to look up a single company to find the proper NAICS Code OR buy a Bulk Subscription at a deep discount to maintain your database on an ongoing basis.

If you have multiple locations or a number of Account Reps or Loan Officers who need access to such information this may be the ideal tool for you.  Subscribe to obtain a password, pass it out to all who need this tool and you can set them loose.  When you run low or out of lookups just order more in bulk and continue the flow.  It’s that easy.

Due to popular demand NAICS Association in conjunction with Infinite Media has finally built a low-cost, easy to use tool for customers who don’t want to pay thousands of dollars for unlimited directory access.  This pay-as-you-go tool bypasses the need for large expenditures and cuts right to the heart of what our customers need, be it one or two lookups or to augment their ongoing Data Hygiene efforts.

Just click on “Search Business Listings” on the website and you will be taken to our Business Directory.  And a special offer for all recent customers.  If you are a recent purchaser of our Data Append Services we will be sending you a Free Limited Access to this fabulous tool to see if it might be something you can’t live without.