NAICS Code Description

921190 - Other General Government Support

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 921190 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Tlingit Haida Tribal Bus CorpUS General Services ADM
County of PerrySoil Wtr Cnsrvtion Cmmttee Ala
State of TexasCity of New Prague
Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaScipio Township
City of ClarendonOffice of Hawaiian Affairs

This industry comprises government establishments primarily engaged in providing general support for government. Such support services include personnel services, election boards, and other general government support establishments that are not classified elsewhere in public administration.

Illustrative Examples:

Civil rights commissions
Personnel offices, government
Civil service commissions
Supply agencies, government
General services departments, government


  • Government establishments primarily engaged in serving as offices of chief executives and their advisory committees and commissions are classified in Industry 921110, Executive Offices;
  • Government establishments primarily engaged in serving as legislative bodies and their advisory committees and commissions are classified in Industry 921120, Legislative Bodies;
  • Government establishments primarily engaged in providing administration of public finance, tax collection, and monetary policy programs are classified in Industry 921130, Public Finance Activities;
  • Government establishments primarily engaged in serving as combined executive and legislative offices are classified in Industry 921140, Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined; and
  • Establishments primarily engaged in serving as American Indian or Alaska Native tribal leadership are classified in Industry 921150, American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments.
Index Entries for 921190
921190921190921190Auditor's offices, government
921190921190921190Civil rights commissions
921190921190921190Civil service commissions
921190921190921190Election boards
921190921190921190General accounting offices, government
921190921190921190General public administration
921190921190921190General services departments, government
921190921190921190Human rights commissions, government
921190921190921190Indian affairs programs, government
921190921190921190Personnel offices, government
921190921190921190Public property management services, government
921190921190921190Purchasing and supply agencies, government
921190921190921190Supply agencies, government