NAICS Code Description

921140 - Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 921140 – Click for Complete Profiles:

City of PendletonWashakie County Wyoming
Borough of ManasquanNative Village of Eyak
City of AlmaCity of Elkhorn
Borough of OceanportCity of Wells
City of DekalbTown of Boulder Junction

This industry comprises government establishments serving as councils and boards of commissioners or supervisors and such bodies where the chief executive (e.g., county executive or city mayor) is a member of the legislative body (e.g., county or city council) itself.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Serving as offices of chief executives--are classified in Industry 921110, Executive Offices; and
  • Serving as legislative bodies--are classified in Industry 921120, Legislative Bodies.
Index Entries for 921140
921140921140921140Executive and legislative office combinations
921140921140921140Legislative and executive office combinations