NAICS Code Description

336612 - Boat Building

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 336612 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Brp US IncGravois Aluminum Boats LLC
Malibu Boats IncKCS International Inc
Mastercraft Boat Holdings IncSkeeter Products Inc
Sea Ray Boats IncViking Sport Cruisers Inc
Smoker Craft IncBeneteau Inc

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in building boats. Boats are defined as watercraft not built in shipyards and typically of the type suitable or intended for personal use. Included in this industry are establishments that manufacture heavy-duty inflatable rubber or inflatable plastic boats (RIBs).

Illustrative Examples:

Dinghy (except inflatable rubber) manufacturing
Inflatable plastic boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing
Inflatable rubber boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing
Motorboats, inboard or outboard, building
Rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) manufacturing
Rowboats manufacturing
Sailboat building, not done in shipyards
Yacht building, not done in shipyards

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Ship building or ship repairs performed in a shipyard--are classified in U.S. Industry 336611, Ship Building and Repairing;
  • Manufacturing inflatable rubber swimming pool rafts and similar flotation devices--are classified in U.S. Industry 326299, All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing; and
  • Manufacturing inflatable plastic swimming pool rafts and similar flotation devices--are classified in U.S. Industry 326199, All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 336612
336612336612336612Air boat building
336612336612336612Boat yards (i.e., boat manufacturing facilities)
336612336612336612Boats (i.e., suitable or intended for personal use) manufacturing
336612336612336612Boats, inflatable plastics (except toy-type), manufacturing
336612336612336612Cabin cruiser building
336612336612336612Dinghies manufacturing
336612336612336612Dories building
336612336612336612Hovercraft building
336612336612336612Inflatable plastic boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing
336612336612336612Inflatable rubber boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing
336612336612336612Life rafts, inflatable, manufacturing
336612336612336612Motorboat, inboard or outboard, building
336612336612336612Pleasure boats manufacturing
336612336612336612Rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) manufacturing
336612336612336612Rowboats manufacturing
336612336612336612Sailboat building, not done in shipyards
336612336612336612Underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) manufacturing in boat yards
336612336612336612Unmanned and robotic watercraft manufacturing in boat yards
336612336612336612Yacht building, not done in shipyards