NAICS Code Description

712190 - Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 712190 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Herschend Entertainment Co LLCHouse of Wyoming Valley Inc
Omaha Zoological SocietySee Rock City Inc
Detroit Zoological SocietyAttractions Hawaii
World Choice Investments LLCSquire Boone Caverns Inc
Zoological Society PittsburghMazza Vineyards Inc

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the preservation and exhibition of natural areas or settings.

Illustrative Examples:

Bird or wildlife sanctuaries
Natural wonder tourist attractions (e.g., caverns, waterfalls)
Conservation areas
Nature centers or preserves
National parks


  • Establishments primarily engaged in operating commercial hunting or fishing preserves (e.g., game farms) are classified in Industry 114210, Hunting and Trapping.
Index Entries for 712190
712190712190712190Bird sanctuaries
712190712190712190Caverns (i.e., natural wonder tourist attractions)
712190712190712190Conservation areas
712190712190712190Interpretive centers, nature
712190712190712190National parks
712190712190712190Natural wonder tourist attractions (e.g., caverns, waterfalls)
712190712190712190Nature centers
712190712190712190Nature parks
712190712190712190Nature preserves
712190712190712190Nature reserves
712190712190712190Parks, national
712190712190712190Parks, nature
712190712190712190Provincial parks
712190712190712190Waterfalls (i.e., natural wonder tourist attractions)
712190712190712190Wildlife sanctuaries