NAICS Code Description

562112 - Hazardous Waste Collection

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 562112 – Click for Complete Profiles:

US Environmental IncOcean Blue Envmtl Svcs Inc
A & S Metal Recycling IncEnvironmental Management Inc
Advanced Chemical Trnspt IncPure Earth Inc
McCutcheon Enterprises IncA R Paquette and Company Inc
Cousins Waste Control LLCFirst Response Inc

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in collecting and/or hauling hazardous waste within a local area and/or operating hazardous waste transfer stations. Hazardous waste collection establishments may be responsible for the identification, treatment, packaging, and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Long-distance trucking of waste--are classified in Industry 484230, Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance;
  • Collecting and/or hauling in combination with disposal of hazardous waste materials--are classified in U.S. Industry 562211, Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal;
  • Collecting and/or hauling nonhazardous solid waste (i.e., garbage) and/or recyclable materials within a local area and/or operating nonhazardous solid waste transfer stations--are classified in U.S. Industry 562111, Solid Waste Collection; and
  • Collecting and removing debris, such as brush or rubble, within a local area--are classified in U.S. Industry 562119, Other Waste Collection.
Index Entries for 562112
562112562112562112Hazardous waste collection services
562112562112562112Radioactive waste collecting and/or local hauling
562112562112562112Waste collection services, hazardous
562112562112562112Waste hauling, local, hazardous
562112562112562112Waste transfer stations, hazardous