541620 - Environmental Consulting Services
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on environmental issues, such as the control of environmental contamination from pollutants, toxic substances, and hazardous materials. These establishments identify problems (e.g., inspect buildings for hazardous materials), measure and evaluate risks, and recommend solutions. They employ a multidisciplined staff of scientists, engineers, and other technicians with expertise in areas, such as air and water quality, asbestos contamination, remediation, ecological restoration, and environmental law. Establishments providing sanitation or site remediation consulting services are included in this industry.
- Establishments primarily engaged in environmental remediation are classified in Industry 562910, Remediation Services;
- Establishments primarily engaged in providing environmental engineering services are classified in Industry 541330, Engineering Services;
- Establishments primarily engaged in individual activities as part of an ecological restoration project are classified according to the primary activity; and
- Government establishments primarily engaged in administering, overseeing, and managing governmental ecological restoration programs are classified in Industry 924110, Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs.
2007 NAICS | 2012 NAICS | 2017 NAICS | Index Entries for 541620 |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Ecological restoration consulting services |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Environmental consulting services |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Environmental reclamation planning services |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Sanitation consulting services |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Site remediation consulting services |
541620 | 541620 | 541620 | Wetland restoration planning services |