NAICS Code Description

311230 - Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 311230 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Hearthside Food Solutions LLCQuaker Oats Europe Inc
Treehouse Private Brands IncAttune Foods LLC
Mary Lee Packaging CorporationPost Foods LLC
Kellogg USA IncGeneral Mlls Intl Bsnsses Two
Weetabix Company IncNatural Food Works LLC

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing breakfast cereal foods.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Manufacturing nonchocolate-coated granola bars and other types of breakfast bars--are classified in Industry 311340, Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing;
  • Manufacturing chocolate-coated granola bars from purchased chocolate--are classified in U.S. Industry 311352, Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate;
  • Manufacturing chocolate-coated granola bars from cacao beans--are classified in U.S. Industry 311351, Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans; and
  • Manufacturing coffee substitutes from grain--are classified in Industry 311920, Coffee and Tea Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 311230
311230311230311230Breakfast cereals manufacturing
311230311230311230Corn breakfast foods manufacturing
311230311230311230Farina, breakfast cereal, manufacturing
311230311230311230Flour mills, breakfast cereal, manufacturing
311230311230311230Grain mills, breakfast cereal
311230311230311230Grain, breakfast cereal, manufacturing
311230311230311230Granola, cereal (except bars and clusters), manufacturing
311230311230311230Hominy grits, prepared as cereal breakfast food, manufacturing
311230311230311230Infant cereals, dry, manufacturing
311230311230311230Instant hot cereals manufacturing
311230311230311230Mix grain breakfast manufacturing
311230311230311230Oatmeal (i.e., cereal breakfast food) manufacturing
311230311230311230Oats, breakfast cereal, manufacturing
311230311230311230Oats, rolled (i.e., cereal breakfast food), manufacturing
311230311230311230Rice breakfast foods manufacturing
311230311230311230Wheat breakfast cereal manufacturing