Frequently Asked Questions

Common Company Lookup Questions

The Company Lookup Tool is plugged into the Database at Dun&Bradstreet. If you are unable to find your Company Record within their database, you can sign up at their site. Check your D&B Listing here. 

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The Company Lookup Tool is plugged into the Dun&Bradstreet Database and is updated in large batches, millions of records at a time. If your company record is out of date, you can update it using the Update tool at Dun&Bradstreet. After updating your record with D&B, it may take up to two months to change within the Company Lookup Tool.

It is not possible to expedite this process for any one company. 

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On a Rare Occasion, a blank record may occur if there was an issue with the internet connection during purchase. If this occurs, simply contact us with proof of purchase (Transaction ID, or Date w/ Name on Card, or receipt), and the Search Criteria used to find the Record. We will recreate the record and email it to you. Email us this information HERE and we will get you the correct file.

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When you arrive at the Company Lookup Tool on, there will be a login button in the top, right-hand side. Click the button, Then plug in your Email Address and Password on the new page.

Once you are logged in, instead of a Dollar Amount being shown for Records you click to acquire, you will see the Number of Searches you are Consuming.

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The US Company Lookup Tool is NOT TO BE USED to determine if a business or its Industry Codes are Valid. Only Companies that have acquired a DUNS Number, a complete record, and opted into the Marketable File appear in the Database. This means there are plenty of Valid Organizations that will not appear in our system.

Furthermore, any Company may assign any NAICS/SIC code(s) to themselves at any time, and change them at any time, without fulfilling any prerequisite or registering the change with a particular system. This means that the Primary source to confirm the Validity of an Industry code is typically with the Company itself. The only time NAICS/SIC codes aren’t completely self-assigned is when the Organization has to meet rules set forth by a government entity in order to do business in a Given Industry code in the given locale.

If trying to establish a Business relationship with someone, please direct them to this page if they are hesitating to progress due to Information found or lacking in the Company Lookup Tool.

Again, This is tool is not intended to be a Determining factor in establishing Business relationships.


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The US Company Lookup Tool is a Powerful Database of US Businesses that allows you to peer directly into the Dun&Bradstreet Database for basic Firmographic Business Data including:

DUNS Number NAICS Codes & Descriptions Corporate Name
Address SIC Codes & Descriptions Tradestyle Name
Telephone Latitude Point of Contact
Employees on Site Longitude Title
Total Employees Sales Volume Line of Business
Sample Purchased Record

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Not all Organizations will appear in The Company Lookup Tool. Records are derived from the Marketable Database at Dun&Bradstreet (D&B), so only Organizations with a DUNS Number may appear in the Company Lookup Tool. Typically D&B Company Records aren’t included in our system if they are lacking information, opted to be delisted from the marketable file, or are being held off the Marketable list for an undisclosed reason by D&B.
If you have a DUNS Number, try finding your record on Once you Verify and Authenticate your identity, you should be able to access and update your information as needed there. If you have any issues, contact the Phone number in the link. If lacking a Record with D&B, you can sign up at their site.

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