Why Can’t I Find My Company Record in the Company Lookup Tool?

Category: Common Company Lookup Questions

Not all Organizations will appear in The Company Lookup Tool. Records are derived from the Marketable Database at Dun&Bradstreet (D&B), so only Organizations with a DUNS Number may appear in the Company Lookup Tool. Typically D&B Company Records aren’t included in our system if they are lacking information, opted to be delisted from the marketable file, or are being held off the Marketable list for an undisclosed reason by D&B.
If you have a DUNS Number, try finding your record on https://www.dnb.com/duns-number/view-update-company-credit-file.html. Once you Verify and Authenticate your identity, you should be able to access and update your information as needed there. If you have any issues, contact the Phone number in the link. If lacking a Record with D&B, you can sign up at their site.

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