SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9651—Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors
Government establishments primarily engaged in regulation, licensing, and inspection of other commercial sectors, such as retail trade, professional occupations, manufacturing, mining, construction and services. Maintenance of physical standards, regulating hazardous conditions not elsewhere classified, and alcoholic beverage control are classified here. Private establishments primarily engaged in regulation, licensing, and establishment of standards are classified in Services, Division I.

Alcoholic beverage control boards—governmentLicensing and permit for retail trade—government
Banking regulatory agencies—governmentMinimum wage program administration—government
Bureaus of standards—governmentPrice control agencies—government
Inspection for labor standards—governmentRent control agencies—government
Insurance commissions—governmentSecurities regulation commissions
Labor—management negotiations boards—governmentWage control agencies—government
Licensing and permit for professional occupations—government
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9651Regulation, Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors3,236
965100Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors209
96510000Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors209
965101Financial regulatory agency297
96510100Financial regulatory agency38
96510101Banking regulatory agency, government62
96510102Insurance commission, government168
96510103Securities regulation commission, government29
965102Labor regulatory agency704
96510200Labor regulatory agency413
96510201Inspection for labor standards and safety, government82
96510202Labor-management negotiations board, government105
96510203Minimum wage program administration, government2
96510204Wage control agency, government102
965104Regulation, miscellaneous commerical sectors, level of government1,294
96510401Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors, Federal government275
96510402Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors, State government911
96510403Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors, County government42
96510404Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors, Local government64
965199Regulation, miscellaneous commercial sectors, nec732
96519901Alcoholic beverage control board, government453
96519902Bureaus of standards, government18
96519903Licensing and permits for professional occupations, govt.194
96519904Licensing and permits for retail trade, government58
96519905Price control agency, government2
96519906Rent control agency, government7