SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9451—Administration of Veterans' Affairs, Except Health and Insurance
Government establishments primarily engaged in administration of programs of assistance, training, counselling, and other services to veterans and their dependents, heirs or survivors. Also included are offices that maintain liaison and coordinate activities with other service organizations and governmental agencies. Veterans'hospitals are classified in Services, Industry Group 806, and veterans'insurance in Insurance, Major Group 63.

Veterans' affairs offices
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9451Administration of Veterans' Affairs1,700
945100Administration of veterans' affairs174
94510000Administration of veterans' affairs174
945104Administration of veterans' affairs, level of government1,526
94510400Administration of veterans' affairs, level of government7
94510401Administration of veterans' affairs, Federal government793
94510402Administration of veterans' affairs, State government409
94510403Administration of veterans' affairs, County government214
94510404Administration of veterans' affairs, Local government103