SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9441—Administration of Social, Human Resource and Income Maintenance Programs
Government establishments primarily engaged in planning, administration, and coordination of programs for public assistance, social work, and welfare activities, such as old age assistance, child welfare, aid to families with dependent children, aid to the blind and disabled, medical assistance, human resource development, and related activities, but the operators of these programs are classified in Services, Major Group 83. Both the administration and operation of Social Security, disability benefits under OASDHI, Medicare, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation, and social insurance programs for the aged, survivors, or disabled persons are classified here, but offices that administer veterans'programs are classified in Industry 9451. Local employment service offices are classified in Services, Industry 7361.

Equal employment opportunity offices—governmentUnemployment insurance offices—government
Medical assistance program administration—governmentWomen's bureaus
Public welfare administration, nonoperatingWorkman's compensation offices—government
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9441Administration of Social and Manpower Programs9,063
944100Administration of social and manpower programs355
94410000Administration of social and manpower programs355
944101Income maintenance programs1,684
94410100Income maintenance programs284
94410101Public welfare administration: nonoperating, government288
94410102Social security administration, government871
94410103Unemployment insurance office, government115
94410104Workmen's compensation office, government126
944102Administration of social and human resources909
94410200Administration of social and human resources641
94410201Equal employment opportunity office, government182
94410202Medical assistance program administration, government74
94410203Women's bureau, government12
944104Administration of social and manpower programs, level of government6,115
94410400Administration of social and manpower programs, level of government8
94410401Administration of social and manpower programs, Federal government369
94410402Administration of social and manpower programs, State government4,339
94410403Administration of social and manpower programs, County government1,022
94410404Administration of social and manpower programs, Local government377