SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9224—Fire Protection
Government establishments primarily engaged in firefighting and other related fire protection activities. Government and private establishments primarily engaged in forest firefighting and fire protection services are classified in Agriculture, Industry 0851. Private establishments primarily engaged in other firefighting services are classified in Services, Industry 7389.

Fire departments, including volunteer—governmentFire prevention offices—government
Fire marshals' offices—government
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9224Fire Protection35,946
922400Fire protection826
92240000Fire protection826
922404Fire protection, level of government3,288
92240400Fire protection, level of government23
92240401Fire protection, Federal government15
92240402Fire protection, State government75
92240403Fire protection, County government403
92240404Fire protection, Local government2,772
922499Fire protection, nec31,832
92249901Fire department, not including volunteer9,479
92249902Fire department, volunteer22,067
92249903Fire marshals' office, government183
92249904Fire prevention office, government103