SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9221—Police Protection
Government establishments primarily engaged in law enforcement, traffic safety, police and other activities related to the enforcement of the law and preservation of order. The National Guard is classified in Industry 9711. Private establishments primarily engaged in law enforcement, traffic safety, police and other activities related to law enforcement are classified in Services, Industry 7381. Government establishments primarily engaged in prosecution are classified in Industry 9222. Military police are classified in Industry 9711. Government establishments primarily engaged in the collection of law enforcement statistics are classified in Industry 9229.

Bureaus of criminal investigations—governmentPolice departments
Highway patrolsSheriffs' offices
Marshals' offices, policeState police
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9221Police Protection19,251
922100Police protection785
92210000Police protection785
922101Police protection, interstate and federal2,427
92210100Police protection, interstate and federal17
92210101Bureau of criminal investigation, government542
92210102State highway patrol569
92210103State police1,299
922102Police protection, regional9,876
92210200Police protection, regional78
92210201County police652
92210202Marshals' office, police325
92210203Municipal police4,001
92210204Sheriffs' office4,820
922104Police protection, level of government6,163
92210400Police protection, level of government15
92210401Police protection, Federal government65
92210402Police protection, State government142
92210403Police protection, County government390
92210404Police protection, Local government5,551