SIC Industry Description

Industry: 9111—Executive Offices
Offices of chief executives and their advisory and interdepartmental committees and commissions.

Advisory commissions, executiveGovernors' offices
City and town managers' officesMayors' offices
County supervisors' and executives' officesPresident's office
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
9111Executive Offices51,234
911100Executive offices2,133
91110000Executive offices2,133
911101Executive offices, national127
91110100Executive offices, national53
91110101Executive advisory commission35
91110102Presidents' office39
911102Executive offices, state and local35,367
91110200Executive offices, state and local447
91110201City and town managers' office27,162
91110202County supervisors' and executives' office3,424
91110203Governors' office561
91110204Mayors' office3,773
911104Executive offices, level of government13,607
91110400Executive offices, level of government36
91110401Executive offices, Federal government72
91110402Executive offices, State government751
91110403Executive offices, County government7,563
91110404Executive offices, Local government5,185