SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8741—Management Services
Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing general or specialized management services on a day to day basis and on a contract or fee basis. Establishments in this industry do not provide operating staff. Management and operation of a business, where operating staff as well as management is provided, is classified according to the activity of the establishment managed.

Administrative management servicesConstruction management
Business management servicesMotel management services
Circuit management services for motion picture theatersOffice management services
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8741Management Services155,375
874100Management services112,653
87410000Management services112,653
874101Business management30,539
87410100Business management20,901
87410101Administrative management3,298
87410102Financial management for business5,674
87410103Office management436
87410104Personnel management230
874199Management services, nec12,183
87419901Circuit management for motion picture theaters60
87419902Construction management6,788
87419903Industrial management182
87419904Hotel or motel management1,536
87419905Restaurant management1,275
87419906Hospital management1,464
87419907Nursing and personal care facility management878