SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8641—Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations
Membership organizations engaged in civic, social, or fraternal activities. Membership sports and recreation clubs are classified in Industry Group 799, and insurance offices maintained by fraternal organizations are classified in Insurance, Major Group 63. Homeowner, tenant, and condominium associations primarily engaged in managing real estate are classified in Real Estate, Industry 6531.

Alumni associations and clubFraternities and sororities, except residential
Bars and restaurants owned and operated for members ofHomeowner associations, except property management
Booster clubsParent-teacher associations
Business persons clubs, civic and socialSinging societies
Citizens' unionsSocial club, membership
Civic associationsTaxpayers' associations
Community membership clubs, other than amusement and recreationTenant associations, except property management
Condominium associations, except property managementUniversity club
Fraternal associations, other than insurance officesVeterans' organizations
Fraternal lodgesYouth associations, except hotel units
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8641Civic and Social Associations165,937
864100Civic and social associations59,583
86410000Civic and social associations59,583
864101Civic associations12,191
86410100Civic associations10,493
86410101Citizens union257
86410102Community membership club1,387
86410103Taxpayer association54
864102Fraternal associations13,576
86410200Fraternal associations8,806
86410201Alumni association1,279
86410202University club3,491
864103Youth organizations13,062
86410300Youth organizations11,501
86410301Boy Scout organization897
86410302Girl Scout organization664
864104Social associations4,324
86410400Social associations1,440
86410401Bars and restaurants, members only592
86410402Business persons club241
86410403Social club, membership2,051
864105Dwelling-related associations35,051
86410500Dwelling-related associations3,851
86410501Condominium association13,311
86410502Homeowners' association16,829
86410503Neighborhood association776
86410504Tenant association284
864199Civic and social associations, nec28,150
86419901Booster club2,321
86419902Educator's association592
86419903Environmental protection organization4,717
86419904Parent-teachers' association5,239
86419905Recreation association929
86419906Singing society161
86419907Veterans' organization14,191