SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8361—Residential Care
Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of residential social and personal care for children, the aged, and special categories of persons with some limits on ability for self-care, but where medical care is not a major element. Included are establishments providing 24-hour year-round care for children. Boarding schools providing elementary and secondary education are classified in Industry 8211. Establishments primarily engaged in providing nursing and health-related personal care are classified in Industry Group 805.

Alcoholism rehabilitation centers, residential: with healthHomes for the deaf or blind, with health care incidental
Boys' townsHomes for the emotionally disturbed, with health care incidental
Children's boarding homesHomes for the mentally handicapped, with health care incidental
Children's homesHomes for the physically handicapped, with health care incidental
Children's villagesJuvenile correctional homes
Drug rehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidentalOld soldiers' homes
Group foster homesOrphanages
Halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problemsRehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidental
Halfway homes for delinquents and offendersRest homes, with health care incidental
Homes for children, with health care incidentalSelf-help group homes for persons with social or personal problems
Homes for destitute men and womenTraining schools for delinquents
Homes for the aged, with health care incidental
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8361Residential Care32,543
836100Residential care9,065
83610000Residential care9,065
836101Residential care for children3,597
83610100Residential care for children871
83610101Boys' towns84
83610102Children's boarding home45
83610103Children's home744
83610104Children's villages13
83610105Group foster home1,682
836102Juvenile correctional facilities500
83610200Juvenile correctional facilities198
83610201Halfway home for delinquents and offenders147
83610202Juvenile correctional home114
83610203Training school for delinquents41
836103Residential care for the handicapped4,236
83610300Residential care for the handicapped1,079
83610301Deaf or blind home61
83610302Mentally handicapped home2,047
83610303Physically handicapped home315
83610304Retarded home734
836104Geriatric residential care11,665
83610400Geriatric residential care1,132
83610401Aged home10,050
83610402Old soldiers' home19
83610403Rest home, with health care incidental464
836199Residential care, nec3,480
83619901Destitute home222
83619902Emotionally disturbed home191
83619903Halfway group home, persons with social or personal problems640
83619904Rehabilitation center, residential: health care incidental1,472
83619905Self-help group home955