SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8099—Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in providing health and allied services, not elsewhere classified. Offices and clinics of health practitioners are classified according to their primary activity in Industry Groups 801 through 804.

Artists, medicalMedical photography and art
Blood banksOsteoporosis centers
Blood donor stationsOxygen tent service
Childbirth preparation classesPhysical examination service, except by physicians
Health screening servicePlasmapheresis Centers
Hearing testing serviceSperm banks
Insurance physical examination service, except by physicians
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8099Health and Allied Services, Nec149,483
809900Health and allied services, nec122,335
80990000Health and allied services, nec122,335
809901Blood related health services9,050
80990100Blood related health services6,871
80990101Blood bank1,998
80990102Blood donor station65
80990103Blood pressure testing17
80990104Plasmapherous center99
809902Physical examination and testing services2,784
80990200Physical examination and testing services638
80990201Health screening service1,668
80990202Hearing testing service243
80990203Physical examination service, insurance235
809999Health and allied services, nec, nec15,314
80999901Childbirth preparation clinic3,963
80999902Eye banks104
80999903Medical photography and art68
80999904Medical rescue squad413
80999905Medical services organization6,194
80999906Nutrition services4,402
80999907Osteoporosis center44
80999908Sperm bank32
80999909Organ bank94