SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8059—Nursing and Personal Care Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in providing some nursing and/or health-related care to patients who do not require the degree of care and treatment that a skilled or intermediate care facility is designed to provide. Patients in these facilities, because of their mental or physical condition, require some nursing care, including the administering of medications and treatments or the supervision of self-administered medications in accordance with a physician's orders. Establishments primarily engaged in providing day-to-day personal care without supervision of the delivery of health services prescribed by a physician are classified in Industry 8361.

Convalescent homes for psychiatric patients, with health carePersonal care facilities with health care
Convalescent homes with health carePersonal care homes with health care
Domiciliary care with health carePsychiatric patient's convalescent homes
Homes for the mentally retarded with health care, except skilled and intermediate care facilitiesRest homes with health care
Nursing homes except skilled and intermediate care facilities
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8059Nursing and Personal Care, Nec15,229
805900Nursing and personal care, nec5,837
80590000Nursing and personal care, nec5,837
805999Nursing and personal care, nec, nec9,392
80599901Convalescent home961
80599902Domiciliary care513
80599903Home for the mentally retarded, ex. skilled or intermediate837
80599904Nursing home, except skilled and intermediate care facility2,363
80599905Personal care home, with health care3,741
80599906Rest home, with health care977