SIC Industry Description

Industry: 8021—Offices and Clinics of Dentists
Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of D.M.D. or D.D.S. (or D.D.Sc.) and engaged in the practice of general or specialized dentistry, including dental surgery. Establishments operating as clinics of dentists are included in this industry.

Clinics of dentistsOrthodontists, offices of
Dental surgeons, offices ofPathologists, oral: offices of
Dentists, offices and clinics ofPeriodontists, offices of
Endodontists, offices ofProsthodontists, offices of
Oral pathologists, offices of
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
8021Offices and Clinics of Dentists213,216
802100Offices and clinics of dentists21,808
80210000Offices and clinics of dentists21,808
802101Specialized dental practitioners34,880
80210100Specialized dental practitioners1,244
80210101Dental surgeon9,290
80210103Maxillofacial specialist717
80210104Oral pathologist270
802102Dental clinics and offices156,295
80210200Dental clinics and offices646
80210201Dental clinic16,345
80210202Dentists' office139,304
802199Offices and clinics of dentists, nec233
80219901Dental insurance plan82
80219902Group and corporate practice, dentist151