SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7922—Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Picture) and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services
Establishments primarily engaged in providing live theatrical presentations, such as road companies and summer theaters. This industry also includes services allied with theatrical presentations, such as casting agencies; booking agencies for plays, artists, and concerts; scenery, lighting, and other equipment services; and theatrical ticket agencies. Also included in this industry are producers of live and taped radio programs and commercials and producers of live television programs. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of taped television programs and commercials are classified in Industry 7812. Theaters which are normally rented to theatrical producers and stock companies are classified in Real Estate, Industry 6512. Motion picture theaters and motion picture service industries are classified in Major Group 78. Establishments primarily engaged in operating dinner theaters are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5812.

Agents or managers for entertainersRadio programs, including commercials: producers of
Agents, talent: theatricalRental of theatrical scenery
Ballet productionRepertory or stock companies, theatrical
Booking agencies, theatrical: except motion pictureRoad companies, theatrical
Burlesque companiesScenery design, theatrical
Casting agencies, theatrical: except motion pictureStock companies, theatrical
Community theater productionsSummer theaters, except dinner theaters
Concert management serviceTelevision programs (including commercials): live
Costume design, theatricalTheatrical companies
Employment agencies: theatrical, radio, and television—except motionTheatrical equipment rental
Legitimate theater producersTheatrical lighting on a contract basis
Opera companiesTheatrical production, except motion picture
Performing arts center productionsTheatrical ticket agencies
Plays (road companies and stock companies)Vaudeville companies
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7922Theatrical Producers and Services18,452
792200Theatrical producers and services3,140
79220000Theatrical producers and services3,140
792201Theatrical talent and booking agencies3,749
79220100Theatrical talent and booking agencies328
79220101Agent or manager for entertainers461
79220102Booking agency, theatrical133
79220103Casting bureau, theatrical31
79220104Employment agency: theatrical, radio, and television73
79220105Entertainment promotion2,123
79220106Talent agent, theatrical600
792202Theatrical production services3,361
79220200Theatrical production services311
79220201Ballet production132
79220202Community theater production386
79220203Performing arts center production2,532
792203Theatrical companies2,557
79220300Theatrical companies2,132
79220301Amateur theatrical company74
79220302Burlesque company23
79220303Opera company241
79220304Plays, road and stock companies20
79220305Repertory, road or stock companies: theatrical10
79220306Summer theater56
79220307Vaudeville company1
792204Theatrical producers4,302
79220400Theatrical producers109
79220401Legitimate live theater producers3,620
79220402Radio producers130
79220403Television program, including commercial producers443
792205Theatrical rental services131
79220500Theatrical rental services40
79220501Equipment rental, theatrical85
79220502Scenery rental, theatrical6
792206Costume and scenery design services176
79220600Costume and scenery design services49
79220601Costume design, theatrical52
79220602Scenery design, theatrical75
792299Theatrical producers and services, nec1,036
79229901Beauty contest production164
79229902Concert management service556
79229903Lighting, theatrical179
79229904Ticket agency, theatrical137