SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7381—Detective, Guard, and Armored Car Services
Establishments primarily engaged in providing detective, guard, and armored car services. Establishments primarily engaged in monitoring and maintaining security systems devices, such as burglar and fire alarms, are classified in Industry 7382.

Armored car serviceInvestigators, private
Detective agenciesLie detection service
Dogs, rental of: for protective servicePolygraph service
Fingerprint serviceProtective service, guard
Guard serviceSecurity guard service
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7381Detective and Armored Car Services29,985
738100Detective and armored car services1,760
73810000Detective and armored car services1,760
738101Guard services17,545
73810100Guard services6,279
73810101Armored car services539
73810102Burglary protection service69
73810103Guard dog rental36
73810104Protective services, guard1,055
73810105Security guard service9,567
738102Detective services10,680
73810200Detective services354
73810201Detective agency460
73810202Fingerprint service266
73810203Lie detection service135
73810204Private investigator9,465