SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7361—Employment Agencies
Establishments primarily engaged in providing employment services, except theatrical employment agencies and motion picture casting bureaus. Establishments classified here may assist either employers or those seeking employment. Establishments primarily engaged in operating theatrical employment agencies are classified in Industry 7922; those operating motion picture casting bureaus are classified in Industry 7819; and farm labor contractors are classified in Agriculture, Industry 0761.

Chauffeur registriesModel registries
Employment agencies, except theatrical and motion pictureNurses' registries
Executive placing servicesShip crew registries
Labor contractors (employment agencies), except farm laborTeachers' registries
Maid registries
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7361Employment Agencies43,094
736100Employment agencies23,096
73610000Employment agencies23,096
736101Placement agencies18,678
73610100Placement agencies3,153
73610101Executive placement12,713
73610102Labor contractors (employment agency)2,630
73610103Ship crew agency35
73610104Teachers' agency147
73610201Chauffeur registry16
73610202Maid registry9
73610203Model registry19
73610204Nurses' registry1,076