SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7336—Commercial Art and Graphic Design
Establishments primarily engaged in providing commercial art or graphic design services for advertising agencies, publishers, and other business and industrial users. Establishments primarily engaged in art, except commercial and medical, are classified in Industry 8999; those engaged in medical art are classified in Industry 8099; and those providing drafting services are classified in Industry 7389.

Artists commercialGraphic arts and related design
Chart and graph designSilk screen design
Commercial art and illustrationSlide film producers
Film strip and slide producersStill film producers
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7336Commercial Art and Graphic Design36,231
733600Commercial art and graphic design14,186
73360000Commercial art and graphic design14,186
733601Art design services20,509
73360100Art design services1,161
73360101Chart and graph design226
73360102Creative services to advertisers, except writers661
73360103Graphic arts and related design17,556
73360104Package design189
73360105Silk screen design716
733602Film strip, slide, and still film production413
73360200Film strip, slide, and still film production328
73360201Film strip and slide producer45
73360202Still film producer40
733699Commercial art and graphic design, nec1,123
73369901Commercial art and illustration1,123