SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7335—Commercial Photography
Establishments primarily engaged in providing commercial photography services for advertising agencies, publishers, and other business and industrial users. Establishments primarily engaged in still and video portrait photography are classified in Industry 7221, and those primarily engaged in mapmaking are classified in Industry 7389. Establishments primarily engaged in producing commercial video tape or films are classified in Industry 7812.

Aerial photographic service, except mapmakingPhotographic studios, commercial
Commercial photography
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7335Commercial Photography16,053
733500Commercial photography6,683
73350000Commercial photography6,683
733599Commercial photography, nec9,370
73359901Aerial photography, except mapmaking605
73359902Color separation, photographic and movie film92
73359903Photographic studio, commercial8,632
73359904Still and slide file production41