SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7313—Radio, Television, and Publishers' Advertising Representatives
Establishments primarily engaged in soliciting advertising on a contract or fee basis for newspapers, magazines, and other publications, or for radio and television stations. Separate offices of newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations engaged in soliciting advertising are classified as auxiliaries.

Newspaper advertising representatives, not auxiliary to publishingTelevision and radio time, sale of: not auxiliary to television or radio
Radio representatives, advertising: not auxiliary to radio broadcasting
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7313Radio, Television, Publisher Representatives3,374
731300Radio, television, publisher representatives508
73130000Radio, television, publisher representatives508
731301Electronic media advertising representatives2,021
73130100Electronic media advertising representatives1,661
73130101Radio advertising representative217
73130102Television and radio time sales143
731302Printed media advertising representatives845
73130200Printed media advertising representatives534
73130201Magazine advertising representative126
73130202Newspaper advertising representative185