SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7299—Miscellaneous Personal Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in providing personal services, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in operating physical fitness facilities, including health fitness spas and reducing salons, are classified in Major Group 70 if they provide lodging and in Industry 7991 if they do not, and those renting medical equipment are classified in Industry 7352.

Babysitting bureausEscort service
Bartering services for individualsGenealogical investigation service
Birth certificate agenciesHair removal (electrolysis)
Blood pressure testing, coin-operatedHair weaving or replacement service
Buyers' clubsLocker rental, except cold storage
Car title and tag serviceMarriage bureaus
Checkroom concessions or servicesMassage parlors
Clothing rental, except industrial launderers and linen supplyPorter service
Coin-operated service machine operation: scales, shoeshine, lockers, and blood pressureQuilting for individuals
College clearinghousesRest room operation
Comfort station operationScalp treatment service
Computer photography or portraitsShopping service for individuals
Consumer buying serviceSteam baths
Costume rentalTanning salons
Dating serviceTattoo parlors
Debt counseling or adjustment service to individualsTurkish baths
Depilatory salonsTuxedo rental
Diet workshopsValet parking
Dress suit rentalWardrobe service, except theatrical
Electrolysis (hair removal)Wedding chapels, privately operated
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7299Miscellaneous Personal Services163,873
729900Miscellaneous personal service23,720
72990000Miscellaneous personal service23,720
729901Personal appearance services31,507
72990100Personal appearance services3,528
72990101Color consultant115
72990102Diet center, without medical staff2,478
72990103Hair weaving or replacement1,147
72990104Scalp treatment service106
72990105Tanning salon9,249
72990106Tattoo parlor14,884
729902Massage parlor and steam bath services29,980
72990200Massage parlor and steam bath services1,332
72990201Massage parlor28,625
72990202Steam bath12
72990203Turkish bath11
729903Dating and escort services778
72990300Dating and escort services51
72990301Dating service472
72990302Escort service255
729904House and babysitting services839
72990400House and babysitting services554
72990401Babysitting bureau148
72990402House sitting137
729905Facility rental and party planning services29,359
72990500Facility rental and party planning services8,811
72990501Banquet hall facilities4,066
72990502Party planning service11,292
72990503Wedding chapel, privately operated763
72990504Wedding consultant4,427
729906Personal document and information services3,087
72990600Personal document and information services669
72990601Birth certificate facilities8
72990602Car title and tag service to individuals414
72990603Genealogical investigation service416
72990604Information services, consumer1,290
72990605Marriage bureau29
72990606Telegram service, personal22
72990607Visa procurement service239
729907Station operation services58
72990700Station operation services34
72990701Comfort station operation9
72990702Rest room operation15
729908Stitching services2,983
72990800Stitching services64
72990801Quilting for individuals2,822
72990802Stitching, custom97
729909Clothing rental services1,709
72990900Clothing rental services247
72990901Costume rental444
72990902Dress suit rental18
72990903Tuxedo rental965
72990904Wardrobe service, except theatrical35
729910Personal financial services2,801
72991000Personal financial services1,251
72991001Debt counseling or adjustment service, individuals1,504
72991002Tax refund discounting46
729911Personal item care and storage services1,364
72991100Personal item care and storage services524
72991101Check room concession6
72991102Coin-operated service machines: scales, shoe shine, etc.76
72991103Locker rental, except cold storage53
72991104Porter service94
72991105Valet parking611
729912Consumer purchasing services964
72991200Consumer purchasing services215
72991201Bartering service120
72991202Buyers' club34
72991203Personal shopping service595
729999Miscellaneous personal services, nec, nec34,724
72999901Apartment locating service3,979
72999902College clearinghouse11
72999903Computer photography or portrait365
72999904Consumer buying service182
72999905Handyman service24,100
72999906Home improvement and renovation contractor agency4,347
72999907Pillow rental service1
72999908Portrait copying9
72999909Rental of personal items, except for recreation and medical324
72999910Gift wrapping services56
72999911Pet sitting, in-home869
72999912Butcher service, processing only - does not sell meat481