SIC Industry Description

Industry: 7221—Photographic Studios, Portrait
Establishments primarily engaged in still or video portrait photography for the general public. Establishments primarily engaged in commercial photography are classified in Industry 7335; those engaged in video tape production other than portrait are classified in Industry 7812; and those engaged in film developing or print processing for the trade or for the general public are classified in Industry 7384. Establishments primarily engaged in processing film for the motion picture production industry are classified in Industry 7819, and those engaged in computer photography are classified in Industry 7299.

Home photographersSchool photographers
Passport photographersTransient photographers
Photographers, portrait: still or videoVideo photography, portrait
Portrait photographers
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
7221Photographic Studios, Portrait85,729
722100Photographic studios, portrait4,929
72210000Photographic studios, portrait4,929
722199Photographic studios, portrait, nec80,800
72219901Home photographer212
72219902Passport photographer73
72219903Photographer, still or video80,360
72219904School photographer72
72219905Transient photographer83