SIC Industry Description

Industry: 6099—Functions Related to Depository Banking, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in performing functions related to depository banking, not elsewhere classified.

Automated clearinghousesForeign currency exchanges
Check cashing agenciesMoney order issuance
Check clearinghouse associationsRegional clearinghouse associations
Clearinghouse associations bank or checkRepresentative offices of foreign banks, excluding agents and branches
Deposit brokersSafe deposit companies
Electronic funds transfer networks including switchingTax certificate sale and redemption agencies
Escrow institutions other than real estateTravelers' check issuance
Fiduciary agencies other than real estate or trust
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
6099Functions Related To Depository Banking10,650
609900Functions related to deposit banking1,070
60990000Functions related to deposit banking1,070
609901Check clearing services388
60990100Check clearing services321
60990101Automated clearinghouses31
60990102Clearinghouse associations, bank or check30
60990103Regional clearinghouse associations6
609999Functions related to deposit banking, nec9,192
60999901Check cashing agencies6,276
60999902Deposit brokers23
60999903Electronic funds transfer network, including switching550
60999904Escrow institutions other than real estate194
60999905Fiduciary agencies other than real estate or trust204
60999906Foreign currency exchange733
60999907Money order issuance454
60999908Representative foreign bank offices, ex. agents and branches29
60999909Safe deposit companies20
60999910Tax certificate sale and redemption agencies33
60999911Travelers' checks issuance4
60999912Automated teller machine (ATM) network672