SIC Industry Description

Industry: 5734—Computer and Computer Software Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of computers, computer peripheral equipment, and software. Establishments primarily engaged in the sale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software for business or professional use are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5045.

Computer printer stores—retailComputer stores—retail
Computer software stores—retailPeripheral equipment, computer stores—retail
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
5734Computer and Software Stores27,107
573400Computer and software stores18,620
57340000Computer and software stores18,620
573401Computer peripheral equipment2,093
57340100Computer peripheral equipment1,540
57340101Modems, monitors, terminals, and disk drives: computers264
57340102Printers and plotters: computers289
573402Computer software and accessories5,538
57340200Computer software and accessories2,128
57340201Computer tapes5
57340202Magnetic disks11
57340203Software, business and non-game2,476
57340204Software, computer games908
57340205Word processing equipment and supplies10
573499Computer and software stores, nec856
57349901Personal computers856