SIC Industry Description

Industry: 5531—Auto and Home Supply Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of new automobile tires, batteries, and other automobile parts and accessories. Such establishments frequently sell a substantial amount of home appliances, radios, and television sets. Establishments dealing primarily in used parts are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5015. Establishments primarily engaged in both selling and installing such automotive parts as transmissions, mufflers, brake linings, and glass are classified in Services, Industry Group 753.

Automobile accessory dealers—retailSpeed shops—retail
Automobile air-conditioning equipment sale and installation—retailTire dealers, automotive—retail
Automobile parts dealers—retailTire, battery, and accessory dealers—retail
Battery dealers, automobile—retail
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
5531Auto and Home Supply Stores76,579
553100Auto and home supply stores2,821
55310000Auto and home supply stores2,821
553101Auto and truck equipment and parts40,553
55310100Auto and truck equipment and parts3,566
55310101Automobile air conditioning equipment, sale, installation254
55310102Automotive accessories2,237
55310103Automotive parts29,834
55310104Batteries, automotive and truck1,511
55310105Speed shops, including race car supplies687
55310106Trailer hitches, automotive139
55310107Truck equipment and parts2,325
553199Auto and home supply stores, nec33,205
55319901Automotive tires33,205