Industry: 5199—Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of non-durable goods, not elsewhere classified, such as art goods, industrial yarns, textile bags, and bagging and burlap.
Advertising specialties—wholesale | Leather and cut stock—wholesale |
Art goods—wholesale | Leather goods, except footwear, gloves, luggage, and belting—wholesale |
Artists' materials—wholesale | Lighters, cigar and cigarette—wholesale |
Bags, textile—wholesale | Linseed oil—wholesale |
Baskets: reed, rattan, willow, and wood—wholesale | Matches—wholesale |
Broom, mop, and paint handles—wholesale | Novelties, paper—wholesale |
Burlap—wholesale | Oils, except cooking: animal and vegetable—wholesale |
Candles—wholesale | Oilseed cake and meal—wholesale |
Canvas products—wholesale | Pet supplies, except pet food—wholesale |
Cats—wholesale | Pipes, smokers'—wholesale |
Chamois leather—wholesale | Plant food—wholesale |
Charcoal—wholesale | Plastics foam—wholesale |
Christmas trees, including artificial—wholesale | Rayon yarns—wholesale |
Clothes hampers—wholesale | Rennet—wholesale |
Cotton yarns—wholesale | Rubber, crude—wholesale |
Curios—wholesale | Sawdust—wholesale |
Dogs—wholesale | Sheet music—wholesale |
Felt—wholesale | Silk yarns—wholesale |
Fish, tropical—wholesale | Smokers' supplies—wholesale |
Foam rubber—wholesale | Sponges—wholesale |
Furs, dressed—wholesale | Statuary—wholesale |
Gifts and novelties—wholesale | Vegetable cake and meal—wholesale |
Glassware, novelty—wholesale | Wigs—wholesale |
Greases, animal and vegetable—wholesale | Wood carvings—wholesale |
Hairbrushes—wholesale | Woolen and worsted yarns—wholesale |
Ice, manufactured or natural—wholesale | Worms—wholesale |
Industrial yarn—wholesale | Yarns—wholesale |
Jewelry boxes—wholesale | |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
51990000 | Nondurable goods, nec | 38,674 |
51990100 | Art goods and supplies | 1,256 |
51990101 | Architects' supplies (non-durable) | 133 |
51990102 | Art goods | 374 |
51990103 | Artists' materials | 66 |
51990200 | Gifts and novelties | 1,860 |
51990201 | Badges | 151 |
51990202 | Calendars | 170 |
51990203 | Cards, plastic: unprinted | 17 |
51990204 | Carnival supplies | 14 |
51990205 | Christmas novelties | 130 |
51990206 | Christmas trees, including artificial | 158 |
51990207 | Curios | 157 |
51990208 | Glassware, novelty | 39 |
51990209 | Novelties, paper | 50 |
51990210 | Party favors, balloons, hats, etc. | 316 |
51990211 | Statuary | 38 |
51990212 | Wood carvings | 123 |
51990300 | Pets and pet supplies | 273 |
51990301 | Birds, exotic | 94 |
51990302 | Cats | 656 |
51990303 | Dogs | 289 |
51990304 | Cat box filler | 2 |
51990305 | Pet supplies | 664 |
51990306 | Tropical fish | 104 |
51990400 | Fabrics, yarns, and knit goods | 270 |
51990401 | Automobile fabrics | 35 |
51990402 | Burlap | 92 |
51990403 | Cotton yarns | 10 |
51990404 | Felt | 142 |
51990405 | Industrial yarns | 11 |
51990406 | Knit goods | 25 |
51990407 | Rayon yarns | 2 |
51990408 | Silk yarns | 4 |
51990409 | Tarpaulins | 40 |
51990410 | Woolen and worsted yarns | 10 |
51990411 | Yarns, nec | 129 |
51990500 | Leather, leather goods, and furs | 237 |
51990501 | Chamois leather | 4 |
51990502 | Dressed furs | 7 |
51990503 | Leather and cut stock | 92 |
51990504 | Leather goods, except footwear, gloves, luggage, belting | 98 |
51990600 | Bags, baskets, and cases | 88 |
51990601 | Bags, textile | 83 |
51990602 | Baskets | 458 |
51990603 | Gift baskets | 224 |
51990604 | Jewelry boxes | 36 |
51990700 | Smokers' supplies | 106 |
51990701 | Lighters, cigarette and cigar | 45 |
51990702 | Matches | 10 |
51990703 | Pipes, smokers' | 26 |
51990800 | Oil and greases (animal or vegetable) | 41 |
51990801 | Greases, animal or vegetable | 8 |
51990802 | Linseed oil | 1 |
51990803 | Oils, animal or vegetable | 47 |
51990900 | Foams and rubber | 75 |
51990901 | Foam rubber | 39 |
51990902 | Plastics foam | 27 |
51990903 | Rubber, crude | 28 |
51990904 | Sponges (animal) | 10 |
51991000 | Posters and decals | 23 |
51991001 | Decals | 34 |
51991002 | Posters | 73 |
51999901 | Advertising specialties | 7,857 |
51999902 | Anatomical specimens and research material | 52 |
51999903 | Bait, fishing | 289 |
51999904 | Baling of wood shavings for mulch | 29 |
51999905 | Broom, mop, and paint handles | 21 |
51999906 | Candles | 1,014 |
51999907 | Candy making goods and supplies | 47 |
51999908 | Canvas products | 41 |
51999909 | Charcoal | 62 |
51999910 | Clothes hangers | 34 |
51999911 | Coin rollers, plastics | 3 |
51999912 | First aid supplies | 171 |
51999913 | Foil, aluminum: household | 13 |
51999914 | General merchandise, non-durable | 5,572 |
51999915 | Hairbrushes | 14 |
51999916 | Ice, manufactured or natural | 177 |
51999917 | Maps and charts | 96 |
51999918 | Packaging materials | 7,809 |
51999919 | Plant food | 45 |
51999920 | Rennet | 2 |
51999921 | Sawdust | 46 |
51999922 | Sheet music | 35 |
51999923 | Variety store merchandise | 696 |
51999924 | Wigs | 387 |
51999925 | Worms | 53 |
51999926 | Seashells | 23 |
51999927 | Bark | 141 |