SIC Industry Description

Industry: 5092—Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies
Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of games, toys, hobby goods and supplies, and related goods, such as fireworks and playing cards.

Craft kits—wholesaleModel kits—wholesale
Dolls—wholesalePlaying cards—wholesale
Fireworks—wholesaleStamps, philatelist—wholesale
Games (including electronic), except coin-operated—wholesaleToys (including electronic)—wholesale
Hobby kits—wholesaleVehicles, children's—wholesale
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
5092Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies5,587
509200Toys and hobby goods and supplies1,097
50920000Toys and hobby goods and supplies1,097
509201Hobby supplies263
50920100Hobby supplies77
50920101Hobby goods122
50920102Model kits42
50920103Stamps, philatelist22
509202Toys and games3,021
50920200Toys and games419
50920201Bingo games and supplies139
50920202Board games136
50920205Educational toys139
50920206Playing cards53
50920208Toys, nec488
50920209Vehicles, children's8
50920210Video games1,223
509203Toy novelties and amusements606
50920300Toy novelties and amusements82
50920301Amusement goods264
50920302Balloons, novelty75
509299Toys and hobby goods and supplies, nec600
50929901Arts and crafts equipment and supplies600