SIC Industry Description

Industry: 5051—Metals Service Centers and Offices
Establishments primarily engaged in marketing semifinished metal products, except precious metals. Establishments in this industry may operate with warehouses (metals service centers) or without warehouses (metals sales offices). Establishments primarily engaged in marketing precious metals are classified in Industry 5094.

Aluminum bars, rods, ingots, sheets, pipes, plates, etc.—wholesalePipe and tubing, steel—wholesale
Anode metal—wholesalePipe, cast iron—wholesale
Bale ties, wire—wholesalePlates, metal—wholesale
Bars, metal—wholesaleRails and accessories—wholesale
Bearing piles, iron and steel—wholesaleReinforcement mesh, wire—wholesale
Black plate, iron and steel—wholesaleRods, metal—wholesale
Castings, rough iron and steel—wholesaleSheets, galvanized or other coated—wholesale
Concrete reinforcing bars—wholesaleSheets, metal—wholesale
Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc.—wholesaleSteel—wholesale
Ferroalloys—wholesaleStrip, metal—wholesale
Forgings, ferrous—wholesaleStructural shapes, iron and steel—wholesale
Forms, concrete construction steel—wholesaleTerneplate—wholesale
Foundry products—wholesaleTin and tin base metals, shapes, forms, etc.—wholesale
Ingots—wholesaleTin plate bars—wholesale
Iron and steel flat products—wholesaleTin plate—wholesale
Iron and steel semifinished products—wholesaleTrack spikes—wholesale
Lead—wholesaleTubing, metal—wholesale
Mercury—wholesaleWire rods—wholesale
Metals, except precious—wholesaleWire rope or cable, not insulated—wholesale
Nails—wholesaleWire screening—wholesale
Nonferrous metal, except precious e.g. sheets, bars, rods—wholesaleWire, not insulated—wholesale
Pig iron—wholesaleZinc—wholesale
Piling, iron and steel—wholesale
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
5051Metals Service Centers and Offices12,953
505100Metals service centers and offices1,213
50510000Metals service centers and offices1,213
505101Metal wires, ties, cables, and screening662
50510100Metal wires, ties, cables, and screening341
50510101Bale ties, wire11
50510102Cable, wire122
50510103Reinforcement mesh, wire17
50510104Rods, wire (not insulated)4
50510105Rope, wire (not insulated)92
50510106Wire screening8
50510107Wire, nec67
505102Iron and steel (ferrous) products9,430
50510200Iron and steel (ferrous) products928
50510201Bearing piles, iron or steel11
50510202Black plate, iron or steel7
50510203Cast iron pipe38
50510204Castings, rough: iron or steel104
50510205Concrete reinforcing bars24
50510207Ferrous metals94
50510208Forgings, ferrous28
50510209Forms, concrete construction (steel)61
50510210Iron or steel flat products68
50510211Iron or steel semifinished products40
50510212Pig iron8
50510213Piling, iron and steel15
50510214Pipe and tubing, steel829
50510215Rails and accessories42
50510217Structural shapes, iron or steel139
50510219Track spikes1
50510220Steel decking17
505103Copper products117
50510300Copper products44
50510302Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc., nec15
505104Miscellaneous nonferrous products328
50510400Miscellaneous nonferrous products126
50510401Anode metal7
50510404Nonferrous metal sheets, bars, rods, etc., nec97
50510405Tin and tin base metals, shapes, forms, etc., nec12
50510406Tin plate6
505199Metals service centers and offices, nec1,203
50519901Aluminum bars, rods, ingots, sheets, pipes, plates, etc.480
50519902Bars, metal47
50519903Foundry products122
50519906Plates, metal29
50519907Rods, metal18
50519908Sheets, galvanized or other coated19
50519909Sheets, metal165
50519910Strip, metal7
50519911Tubing, metal66
50519912Stampings, metal43