SIC Industry Description

Industry: 5043—Photographic Equipment and Supplies
Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of photographic equipment and supplies. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of photocopy, microfilm, and similar equipment are classified in Industry 5044.

Cameras equipment, and supplies—wholesaleMotion picture cameras equipment and supplies—wholesale
Darkroom apparatus—wholesalePhotographic cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies—wholesale
Developing apparatus photographic—wholesalePrinting apparatus photographic—wholesale
Film photographic—wholesaleProjection apparatus, motion picture and slide: photographic—wholesale
Identity recorders for photographing checks and fingerprints—wholesale
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
5043Photographic Equipment and Supplies853
504300Photographic equipment and supplies348
50430000Photographic equipment and supplies348
504301Photographic processing equipment58
50430100Photographic processing equipment18
50430101Darkroom apparatus2
50430102Developing apparatus, photographic8
50430103Printing apparatus, photographic30
504302Cameras and photographic equipment249
50430200Cameras and photographic equipment134
50430201Identity recorders for photographing checks or fingerprints22
50430202Photographic cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies93
504303Motion picture equipment198
50430300Motion picture equipment50
50430301Motion picture cameras, equipment, and supplies43
50430302Motion picture studio and theater equipment85
50430303Projection apparatus, motion picture and slide20