SIC Industry Description

Industry: 4822—Telegraph and Other Message Communications
Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing telegraph and other nonvocal message communications services, such as cablegram, electronic mail, and facsimile transmission services.

Cablegram servicesTelegram services
Electronic mail servicesTelegraph cable services
Facsimile transmission servicesTelegraph services
Mailgram servicesTeletypewriter services
Photograph transmission servicesTelex services
Radio telegraph services
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
4822Telegraph and Other Communications478
482200Telegraph and other communications194
48220000Telegraph and other communications194
482201Photographic message services10
48220100Photographic message services6
48220101Photograph transmission services2
48220102Telephoto services2
482202Cable, telegram, and telex services115
48220200Cable, telegram, and telex services20
48220201Cablegram service8
48220202Mailgram services9
48220203Radio telegraph services3
48220204Telegram services14
48220205Telegraph cable services, land or submarine4
48220206Telegraph services20
48220207Teletypewriter services33
48220208Telex services4
482299Telegraph and other communications, nec159
48229901Electronic mail41
48229902Facsimile transmission services90
48229903Nonvocal message communications26
48229904Stock ticker service1
48229905Transradio press service1