SIC Industry Description

Industry: 4741—Rental of Railroad Cars
Establishments primarily engaged in renting railroad cars, whether or not also performing services connected with the use thereof, or in performing services connected with the rental of railroad cars. Establishments such as banks and insurance companies, which purchase and lease railroad cars as investments are classified based on their primary activity.

Grain leveling in railroad carsRailroad car cleaning, icing, ventilating, and heating
Grain trimming service for railroad shipmentRental of railroad cars
Precooling of fruits and vegetables in connection with transportation
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
4741Rental of Railroad Cars176
474100Rental of railroad cars142
47410000Rental of railroad cars142
474199Rental of railroad cars, nec34
47419901Grain leveling in railroad cars2
47419902Grain trimming service for railroad shipment4
47419903Precooling of fruits and vegetables before transport7
47419904Railroad car cleaning, icing, ventilating, and heating21